April 09, 2004

Guess who

I think Milton Bradly should update the classic children's game Guess Who for today's generation. I suggest Guess Who: Stereotype Edition. Just put pictures of real people on all of the cards. You have to figure out who the other person has using oversimplified generalizations and judgments based on appearance alone. The game might go something like this:

Is he a little light in his loafers? Does she suffer from an eating disorder? Did he only get into college thanks to affirmative action? Is she a slut? Was he beaten as a child? Does she live in a trailer? Does he own his own convenience store? Is he a member of a terrorist organization? I know, it's Hakim!

This way we can start people off at an early age. If everyone's going to judge others, why not learn to do it well? You just have to practice.

Posted by Matthew at April 9, 2004 06:01 PM