March 08, 2006

Bad medicine

thalidomide packaging

My dad began taking a new drug after the last batch of chemo seemed to do more harm than good. He's now taking thalidomide (under the brand name Thalomid). The drug was formerly given to pregnant women to prevent morning sickness until it was found to cause birth defects. Whoops. To get the drug, my dad had to answer a lengthy survey and pledge not to father any children. The drug's packaging is full of warnings about the damage it can do to unborn babies. Next to every pill is a drawing of a pregnant woman overlaid with the classic red slash. They even printed a picture on the top of a baby born with defects as a result of this medication.

thalidomide packaging details

The well-advertised potential birth defects aren't the only drawback to the drug. It can also cause weakness and painful neuropathy. This drug looks like it will be my dad's last stand in the battle against cancer. If the side effects are too severe or the drug is ineffective, there's really nothing else to do. The VA has authorized Hospice to take over my father's care the second he stops taking the drug.

Posted by Matthew at March 8, 2006 07:18 PM