December 14, 2005

Christmas cookies

This weekend i made Christmas cookies with my mother and sister. It's something we've done for the past few year. We're no experts or anything; we just cook up some cookies and glob frosting on them with all the spoons and knives we can find. We usually have a little competition as to who can make the best decorated cookie. We judge the winner by seeing which ones are the first to go at the Christmas day family gathering. Here you can see the results.

Christmas cookies

In the middle there, you can see the snowman i made wearing a purple suit and a green tie. After my sister saw that one, she made the one that looks like Shrek two over. I tried to counter with Mr Incredible there in the middle, but i still think i like Dawn's Shrek the best.

Traditions like this really get me in the mood for the holidays. That, and not having to work.

Posted by Matthew at December 14, 2005 09:37 PM