June 30, 2005

The Power of Myth

I was luckily able to get into a class this summer semester. I am now enrolled in ENG-204, Mythology. I figured it was about time to stray from my geeky classes and start to check off some the the gen ed requirements on my academic progress report. This class will fulfill my "world perspectives" requirement.

One of the texts we are using is The Power of Myth. The book is a conversation between Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers in which Campbell spills his guts about his life's research into comparative mythology. It's more or less a transcript of the recoded conversation that was aired on PBS in a special of the same name. In fact, the first time i ever heard of it was as an allusion to it on Gilmore Girls where Rory chooses to spend spring break in Florida in her hotel room watching the series rather than hitting the beach. So far, it's been an interesting look at the function and necessity of myths, even in modern society.

Our other book is a giant compendium of myth stories from all over the world. It really is fascinating seeing so many of the same images and themes being repeated in so many different cultures. These are the building blocks we would try to use on our improv team to create interesting scenes. It should be fun to reexamine those and add some new ones to the repertoire.

Posted by Matthew at June 30, 2005 09:59 PM