I got out of bed early today to head over to Woodland Mall in time for the Apple Store grand opening. I arrived around 8:30 and there were 60 or so people already sitting on the floor behind the stanchions (i hate that word). I brought along some puzzles to pass the time. As more began to gather, it turned into an interesting group. There were a lot of folks running around with their digital cameras grabbing shots of the line (see Flickr). People were also sharing stories of their first Mac or talking about the other store openings they had been to. There were plenty of patrons to keep the Starbucks busy.
When the doors opened at 10:00, the employees had formed a cheering, high-fiving aisle just inside the store. They eventually dispersed; however it was quite easy to pick them out of the crowd. Not only where they each sporting their Mac-black t-shirts and name card lanyards, but they also seemed to be surrounded by a certain rock-star geek-chic Mac-user aura. They were very friendly and generous when dispensing advice.
I spent about thirty minutes there before i figured i should probably leave so they could let other visitors in. On my way out, i was handed my free t-shirt. The complementary apparel was contained in an unusual folding box which fascinated me more than the shirt. On the front of the shirt is the Apple logo followed by "Woodland." On the back, "designed by Apple in California" is printed just below the collar. I'd say it was worth the wait.
It befuddles me that people would get in line 4 hours early for the opening of a computer store. Especially since you could probably purchase the things they have in the store online. However I suppose it's no different than my waiting in line 6 hours to get Rent tickets. I could have gotten those online too.
Posted by: Kristi at June 26, 2005 12:14 PMI was there and it was indeed totally worth the wait! :-) However I think it would have been cooler if the shirts said Grand Rapids instead of Woodland....Maybe that is just a sign that there will be a store in downtown Grand Rapids or something?
Posted by: Ryan Smallegan at June 26, 2005 11:32 PM