May 20, 2005

Ring check

I'm surprised more people haven't warned me just how crappy your mid-twenties can be. These years have been full of depressing milestones of maturity. I've had to accept the fact that my metabolism is slowing and buy larger pants. I have to deal with being old enough to attend high school reunions and realizing just how young kids currently in high school seem to me now. Anticipation for upcoming birthdays has been replaced by dread. Growing old sucks.

I discovered yet another cruelty this week. Now when i encounter an attractive female of similar age, i must remember to check for a wedding band. If i don't, i run the risk of breaking a commandment. I'm not accustomed to checking out people's hands so it's going to involve a change of habit. If i do meet someone cool and then i discover they are spoken for, it sucks twofold. First, because obviously someone was faster than I and how i'll never know what it would be like to hang out with this interesting person. Secondly, it serves as another evil reminder that everyone around me is getting married except for me. It would be helpful if instead of diamonds, the rings contained a blinking cautionary yellow LED. I would be less inclined to overlook such an accessory.

Posted by Matthew at May 20, 2005 11:29 PM