May 10, 2005

Late night homework

My math class began yesterday. My teacher took time to reminded us that we should expect to spend three hours working outside of class for every hour of in class instruction for a three-hundred-level math course. In what i thought was an attempt to scare us, she loaded up on the homework the very first night. I was up till midnight before i decided it was good enough. If i don't do the homework the day it's assigned, i won't have a chance to complete it before it's due thanks to my work schedule. It turns out she "accidently" assigned that much work; she didn't realize that there were two different assignments on the sheet she handed out. She felt bad enough to not give us any homework today.

The next two months are going to be crazy, but i'm looking forward to the insanity.

Posted by Matthew at May 10, 2005 09:44 PM