April 27, 2005

Last exam of the semester

I walked out of my algebra exam today confident i did well but distracted a question i don't think i completely nailed. I'm sure i got the right answer but that's only a small part of getting full points for the problem. This particular question had to do with identifying the additive inverse of the multiplicitive identity in a ring containing non-numeric elements using a provided multiplication table. I had finished all the other problems and was ready to get out of there so i decided to let it be. It wasn't until the calk outside to my car that i finally figured it out. I had to e-mail my prof when i got home to make sure it was correct. It's never the test scores that make me happy; it's just knowing that i can do this stuff that feels good. Today was a success in that regard.

That wraps up another semester at GVSU. Before leaving campus, i stopped by the bookstore to get my text for my summer class. The book is called "Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory." I suppose i'm officially on my summer vacation now. Classes resume May 9.

Posted by Matthew at April 27, 2005 10:12 PM

I couldn't do the problem, but I understood your description of it. Woohoo! Thanks for that. I feel the same way about getting my essays back. I know I got an A. I just want to know how my arguments held up.

Posted by: Nyssa at April 27, 2005 11:08 PM