April 22, 2005

Spam with a side of blog

I still have a Hotmail account i keep active because that's the screen name i use for MSN Messenger (the IM client of choice at work). I don't use that address to communicate with anyone so the only e-mails i receive there are spam. Since Microsoft added junk mail filtering, usually there aren't many that wind up in my inbox. I've recently started to receive a few more. In an effort to evade Bayesian filters, spammers are no longer simply including random words as i had grown accustomed to; but they are apparently scraping blogs for content and putting that in an e-mail along with some large picture that acts as the body of their "offer." Rather than simply copying the text, its seems are though they are stitching together different sources in mid-sentence.

I've decided to post the body of one of these e-mails in case you've never taken the time to read one. I found it fascinating. It reads like free verse poetry. Anyway it's probably more interesting than most of the stuff i post here.

laundry. Ohh well, it will be an early morning, but I'll get to see myClare so everything will be fine. create your own visited states map or write about it on the open travel guide I hate being whiny on lj, there's plenty of that here already, but today really sucked. Ever since I decided to do something about work boring me to death, it has gotten worse. The minutes today ticked by like hours. John is going to be gone tomorrow through Tuesday, so Blake is in a more pissy than normal mood. Also, for the first half and she was half asleep for the second. I just got up to get a drink of water and glanced out my balcony. The fog is so beautiful. It's so foggy that I can do laundry.

The rest of this e-mail can be found after the jump.

[...] it seems I have arthritis in my fingers. Luckily it was just two fingers of my left hand, but it was very painful using a screwdriver with my left hand at work today. I got a 100 on the calculus quiz today and we got out of class early. So I called clarkk and we had dinner at Kirby before I headed over to the UGL. The hostess at Kirby was deaf. I wish I knew a little more often then once every 4 months from now on. Let's see, life: I spent new years in Colorado with a bunch of my friends. I didn't get much done. I just kind of stared at my physics book. Guess I'll be finishing the homework before class tomorrow. Won't be too bad since I've been leaving work earlier lately. I can hardly wait till my birthday and I'm very excited about seeing Clare. I wasn't getting my English paper done and I wasn't looking for a wild Friday night so I went to sleep at ~2330. Clare woke me up at 2, and we talked for an hour and a half. Lots of good conversation since I was half asleep [...] I wish I knew a little more ASL than "thank you" and "2 waters". I doubt she gets much conversation at work, and I know that was the only thing that made working at a resturant tolerable for me. By the time I got to the UGL, I had a pounding headache (which has thankfully, finally gone away). So I didn't get to go skiing because I (foolishly) let myself get dehydrated. That really would have pissed me off except that I spent the week with the most incredible girl in the world. I've really fallen hard. Ohh well, things are working out wonderfully so far. I turned in two weeks notice at work yesterday. I explained to them that I was frustrated with the lack of advancement opportunity, the repetitive nature of the job, and the poor pay. They seemed understanding and sad to see me go. They do want me to work the two weeks though since they don't have anyone else to do my job yet. For now I think I'm going to concentrate on my school work. I came so close to a 4.0 last semester, and I WILL achieve it this time. I also think I'll pick up one or two more classes for the second half of this semester. With a little work I might not be so far behind the people I graduated high school with. I finally told Fuzzy that he needed to find another place to live. I was ok with him staying here for awhile, but this is getting old. I need my space back. I'm tired of not being able to get work done in my own apartment. Besides, my lease is nearly up and who knows what I might do. Hard work is good for the soul. I'm exhausted. My mother now has a nice level spot for her new hot tub. I'm exhausted. We also moved a new hot tub into her back yard where it awaits a concrete slab for the nice level spot for her new hot tub. [...] I'm exhausted, but my mind is _finally_ clear. I know I've told some of you about my car getting wrecked. I finally got charm going on my laptop so that if I prefer. to bookpeople to by a deadtree edition. Think I might do. Hard work is sucking today. Neither my father nor I were much for planning, to the UGL. The hostess at Kirby was deaf. I wish I knew a little more ASL than "thank you" and "2 waters". I doubt she gets much conversation at work, and I wasn't looking for a wild Friday night so I made up the stairs. At least my cat is happy to be gone tomorrow through Tuesday, so Blake is in a more pissy than normal mood. Also, for the soul. I'm exhausted. My mother now has a nice level spot we dug. I'm exhausted, but my mind is _finally_ clear. I know I've told some of you about my car getting wrecked. I finally told Fuzzy that he needed to find my three best friends in my own apartment. Besides, my lease is nearly up and who knows what I might do. Hard work is good for the first time ever it seems I have arthritis in my apartment, since my world turned on it's ear. It's 81 degrees outside, and the girls seemed to enjoy themselves as well. It was nice to finally meet the woman Matt is so taken with. Anyway, I'm sore and sunburnt. Should have some wakeboarding pictures up as soon as edolnx tells me the dsl is working again. I'll probably slack at work until I have to head to class. So, tomorrow is Dad's birthday. Just the thought of how wonderful it is for life truely to be posting, but I'm still having nightmares. I'm still existing largely by staying distracted. I don't have anyone else to do something about work boring me to death, it has gotten worse. The minutes today ticked by like hours. John is going to concentrate on my English paper done and I wanted to share. Just finished reading "Down and Out in the middle of my left hand at work today. I got to the porch and sit awhile. So, I finally got charm going on my English paper done and I seem to be more interesting than fiction. Spent the weekend at the lake with Caleb, Judd, Matt, Connie, and Mary Catherine. It's always a good time, and the AC in my own apartment. Besides, my lease is nearly up and who knows what I might buy one just to show my support for online distribution. Well, it's Sunday night and despite the fact that my todo list keeps growing I feel accomplished because my apartment before my guests arrive tomorrow. Well, I'm way to drunk to be gone tomorrow through Tuesday, so Blake is in a more pissy than normal mood. Also, for the sporatic reading it long enough to head to class. So, tomorrow is Dad's birthday. Just the thought of how wonderful it is for life truely to be the worlds first day-long flashmob. Around Two-Hundred women participated, all wearing similar hair styles, over-generous applications of makeup.ere for awhile, but this is getting old. I need my space back. I'm tired of not being able to read some without becoming too depressed I'm struck by how much I missed it. I mentioned that I just kind of stared at my physics book. Guess I'll be finishing the homework before class tomorrow. Won't be too bad since I've been out to the sometime dismay of those around us. Now, scared, I'd give almost anything to have a clue if I'm doing better or worse than is to be posting, but I'm still existing largely by staying distracted. I don't have anyone else to do my job yet. For now I think I might haul my comfortable chair out to the porch and sit awhile. So, I finally got pictures . Well, I didn't make any progress on my English class. I did however head over to the UGL, I had a pounding headache (which has thankfully, finally gone away). So I didn't do defensive driving, and I didn't get much done. I just got up to get work done in my own apartment. Besides, my lease is nearly up and who knows what I might do. Hard work is sucking today. Neither my father nor I were much for planning, to the porch and sit awhile. So, I finally got charm going on my English paper done and I WILL achieve it this time. I also think I'll pick up one or two more classes for the internet age. Offline, I'm also reading "N Space" by Larry Niven, a collection of his short stories. It too is wonderful. In addition I'm slowly making my way through "Between Silk and Cyanide" by Leo Marks. It's a good time, and the poor pay. They seemed understanding and sad to see me. I ran into a random friend from high school last night and work is sucking today. Neither my father nor I were much for planning, to the UGL. The hostess at Kirby before I headed over to the UGL. The hostess at Kirby was deaf. I wish I knew a little work I might not be so far behind the people I graduated high school last night and work is good for the first time ever it seems I have to head up to get a drink of water and glanced out my balcony. The fog is so.
Posted by Matthew at April 22, 2005 09:29 PM

haha. since i'm leaving a message, can i now get on the Cool Table?

Posted by: Nikki at April 25, 2005 06:29 PM