April 17, 2005

Enjoying exams

We had our last test of the semester in my abstract algebra class on Wednesday and i've been thinking about it all weekend. It was one of the most exciting tests i've taken.

In past classes such as calc or "regular" algebra, tests consisted of problems we've done before in class just with different numbers to prove that we knew how to solve a particular type of problem. This class has been different. We've been slowly building a list of things we have proven to be true in class. We then use those theorems to prove new ones. There are also definitions of basic terms that we have to commit to memory. Using these basic blocks, we are expected to construct proofs. For our exam, we had to prove something we've never seen before. We then assemble these small fragments of mathematical knowledge into something great before time runs out.

It's fun to solve these problems. It's also really not all that hard. We have only proven a limited number of things and only know a handful of definitions. Each piece of information tells us that if x is true, then y is true. All that remains is lining up all the facts until you have a path from where you want to start to where you want to end up.

Once you've found the path, you still need to be able to draw the reader a map showing how to get there. One of my proofs took up two and a half pages of writing and i didn't even use one number. I'm still surprised we end up writing so much in this class.

Hopefully we will get our results back tomorrow. I really want to know how i did. We still have a week or two of new material before the final exam. I hope it's just as exciting.

Posted by Matthew at April 17, 2005 11:03 PM

I can't remember the last time I had so many laughs. Your website is great.

And you are the ONLY ONE I CAN THINK OF that has that much fun in MATH.

Here's to you...


Posted by: Louisa at April 18, 2005 06:37 PM