April 03, 2005

Back home

Today my sister moved back into my parent's house to help out until things with my father settle down. I got roped into helping with the move. I drove out to Detroit with my mother so i could drive my sister's car back as she drove the rent-a-truck. I was told the truck was going to be filled when we got there but it was not. I got quite the work out.

I learned a few things in the process. While Ikea furniture may come in a flat box, it is not easy to move after its made. Plus, books are very heavy. I'm also making a new rule for anytime i help any one move: you are only allowed one box of Christmas crap. I have no idea why my sister keeps more holiday decorations than Woodland Mall. I also refuse to move exercise weights. I'm not going to carry around items whose only purpose is to be heavy.

When the truck was finally filled, we headed back home. I had no idea how incredibly boring the drive from Detroit to GR can be. It is just a two hour and twenty minute straight shot across the state. The views are monotonous and unremarkable. The sunshine i should be enjoying outside back home was heating the car to womb like temperatures and was making me very sleepy. I hate long car rides in general so i was so happy to hop out of the car when we got to my parent's. The happiness lasted for 17 seconds until i remember that we now had to unload the stupid truck.

As miserable as i made this day sound, make no mistake: i'm glad my sister is back in town. I wish it could be under better circumstances, but nevertheless i've missed seeing her as often as i used to before she moved out east and it will be good to have her more readily available. It's good timing too seeing as how her birthday is tomorrow.

Posted by Matthew at April 3, 2005 11:50 PM