October 13, 2004

Nothing more

Last week we had agreed not to have a brush-up rehearsal today, but for some reason we got a call yesterday telling us it was back on. I was a bit annoyed because i had planed to finish my big homework assignment tonight and a rehearsal, even a speed though, still takes up a good chunk of my time.

Nevertheless we got through the show in just under an hour. Then an announcement was made. We were told the HTG board had decided to extend the show. This decision didn't immediately sit well with the cast. We had been warned last week that it might happen, but no one was all that thrilled about it and we thought it would never happen. Dave was the first to speak up saying "no." Thus the mutiny began. He made the valid claim that the board was very unsupportive of us during the rehearsal process but now that we are making them money, they want more from us.

The fact is because we had so many hurdles in our way, including securing a performance space, finding somewhere to rehearse, and being given a tiny budget, we made this show all about us. We are doing this to have fun, and if audiences are enjoying it, that is a side effect and not the goal. There's not a whole lot of glory in being a local actor. We don't get paid and it won't make you famous. All we can really ask from the theatre company is to be treated with respect. I was first insulted when we had to put avery labels on our show posters to cover up the incorrect location printed on them. That was a bit embarrassing. Then, they didn't even provide an opening night reception for us. That's just not cool.

I think the rest of the cast would agree that we've given enough. We are not interested in extending the show. The final three performances are this weekend. Those that get tickets will be treated to a wonderful show.

Posted by Matthew at October 13, 2004 10:49 PM

Hey Flicker!
Wow. That's some crazy drama going on with your show. I'm sorry the board was so poopy about y'all. I hope your last weekend kicks butt!

Posted by: Aubs at October 14, 2004 09:32 AM