September 07, 2004


I've attributed my gloominess over the past few days to symptoms of withdrawal. It seems i find myself addicted to certain people. It doesn't often happen because i'm usually pretty good at keeping folks away, but some are just too wonderful. They should come with warning labels. At the very least, everyone should be required to have a tragic flaw, so when you are unable to see them, you can reason to yourself that it's probably for the best. Damn these perfect people. I should know better and stay away, but i'm weak. They make make you feel amazing when they are around, but i feel the opposite when they are gone. Why couldn't i have just taken up drinking, or pot?

Posted by Matthew at September 7, 2004 10:57 PM

Matthew, I know I'm just irristable, but try to contain your excitment. Just kidding :) Pot is bad......but drinking....thats a different story...

Posted by: Kristi at September 8, 2004 11:39 AM