June 24, 2004

Coolest person in the world

Today i got to hang out with the coolest person in the world. She goes by the name Breanna and she's my ten-year-old cousin. She's super brilliant. She was spelling and defining works like "redundant" and "benevolent" for me. In the next beat, she's telling a blonde joke. Her smile ranks in the top ten cheeriest i've ever seen. If genetics get to the point where I'm able to pick out the characteristics of my offspring, i'd ask for another one of her. I would see her more often but i have to admit i'm a bit afraid of ten-year-olds. I'm not sure what they really find entertaining. I took her to opening night of Princess and the Pea at Circle. Its plot was perhaps a bit too simple for her, but by half way though she was caught up in it. After the show, i took her back stage and showed her the scene shop and dressing rooms. There was a reception after the show where we grabbed cookies and punch. We helped ourselved to a complimentary troll doll on the way out the door. I hope she had fun.

While I was at the theatre, i ran into Nikki. She found all my clues in the scavenger hunt i planned for her. I found out she had most of the crew helping her at one point. I'm happy that it all turned out. As much fun as it is to solve a puzzle, it's almost more fun to make a puzzle for others to solve. It's a completely different, challenging experience. I wonder if there's a way to get a job making these types of puzzles. Hmmm.

Posted by Matthew at June 24, 2004 10:41 PM