April 20, 2004


Today i bought a kickball, well, two actually. One is regular-size and the other is eighteen inches. You can't help but feel like a kid when playing with a ball that's three times the size of your head.

The reason for the purchase is we're trying to organize a lunch-time kickball game at work. Think think it would be a fun way to get out and enjoy the weather. If things go well, maybe we can start out own WAKA (World Adult Kickball Association) team. The point is to have a good time so i thought we might vary from strict WAKA rules and use the larger ball. It seems as though that would sufficiently handicap all players but i won't know until we try it. We will keep the "no bouncies" rule and won't allow any "professional kickball players."

Posted by Matthew at April 20, 2004 09:29 PM