March 06, 2004

Burning cold reading

I was at auditions for Lady's Not for Burning Today. I had read the play a while ago and remember enjoying it. I got a letter in the mail today about auditions and thought it sounded better than sitting at home so i went down. I didn't have time to re-read and i wish i had. The script has lots of big words, awkward punctuation, and tons of fifteenth century wit that makes it quite challenging for a cold reading. I had problems getting "amphigourious," "stultiloquential," "salubrious," and "rhapsodical" (among others) out of my mouth without looking foolish. Auditioning is scary, exciting, and fun all at the same time.

The director needed someone to a read two lines of one character mixed in a much bigger scene with the two principle character. I volunteered, but little did i realize that in the stage directions, the character is supposed to start scrubbing the floor and continue thought out the scene. I spent four pages n the floor scrubbing until i got to deliver "I beg your pardon." I wish improv hadn't taught me to not give up on things you commit to physically because i really wanted to just get off my knees and sit. When i was done with that scene that floor was spotless.

It's always wonderful to watch Jason Stamp work. He has this amazing ability to bring character parts to life with effortless humor. He had every cracking up when he read the of a drunken, foolish fellow. Unfortunately that part is really small and it would be a shame not to give him more stage time. He has to be the funniest male actor in Grand Rapids.

Round two of auditions are tomorrow. I think i'll go back to see what else will happens.

Posted by Matthew at March 6, 2004 06:45 PM