February 25, 2004

In my jeans

This weekend i bought a pair of jeans. For most people, this would not be a newsworthy event; however for me its a big deal. Ever since i started dressing myself, i've never really worn them. I buy khakis in bulk. I'm not exactly sure what lead me to give demin another chance. I think i was inspired by the recent acquisition of a smart pink shirt. I got to thinking that maybe clothes can be fun after all.

When i tried the jeans on again a few days later in the comfort of my home, i wasn't as impressed. The fit turned out to be not quite right so i went back to the store to grab a different size but i found nothing that would be appropriate. I figured it was a sign from the universe so i gave them back the pants and they gave me back my money.

Perhaps i'll try again soon. I might even keep the jeans for longer than a week next time. And, gasp, i might even wear them in public. Watch out.

Posted by Matthew at February 25, 2004 08:54 PM