February 18, 2004

Create table

Most of my work these past two weeks has been "adjusting" a database we originally made six years ago to store our customer information. The big problem is that every group in our company has a different definition of what a customer is. I've been moving fields across tables and adjusting queries to update the data model to a more mature state to accommodate all the requests for reports we now get. It got me to thinking how in the heck did i learn about database design? I guess it's just something that i picked up a long the way because there was no one else to do it. I'd love to find a site with some database "practice problems" just so i can test my skills. The problem with being on a very small development team is that you don't get to see others people work on a daily basis to learn from it.

Posted by Matthew at February 18, 2004 10:19 PM

Have a go at reading SQL for Smarties, by Joe Celko. Especially the headache-inducing chapters on tree visitation.

Posted by: Jack at February 19, 2004 10:16 PM