December 08, 2003

Flower Power

Ok, i just saw this new commerical for a Fuji digital camera where this dad is grilling a sales person about whether or not this camera will capture all the fine parts of a flower such as the petals, stamina, pistil, and finally peduncle; then the commercial cuts to "funny" twist and suddenly you want to buy it or whatever! I had no idea what a peduncle was so I just had to look it up. In case you were as curious as i was, here’s a helpful diagram.

Posted by Matthew at December 8, 2003 09:28 PM

so really he really shouldn't need a special camera to see the peduncle because it's the stem and anyone can see it. right?

Posted by: Aubrey at December 12, 2003 09:51 AM

yes that's correct. no macro lens needed to see a peduncle. In fact, some plants have rather large ones. see

Posted by: MrFlick at December 13, 2003 11:38 PM